Crash Coin

Meet Crash, the fictional dog that fights market crashes/pullbacks.

CA (BSC): 0xB3B08C36d8783d22177928Cb7433A346fA27E422


Discover our unique tokenomics structure with a 5% buy and sell tax distribution. 2% allocated for marketing, 2% for the profit portal, and 1% for the team.

Total Supply: 100B $CRASH

100% of supply added to liquidity pool in a stealth launch and locked.






Profit Portal


Buy/Sell Tax

What Makes CrashCoin Unique?

Crash Coin DApp has multiple features that secures $CRASH growth and an engaging community


CrashCoin offers a unique and exciting on-chain lottery system for the community. Three lucky winners on every draw and a significant chunk of every draw is burned. Join our community and participate.

Everyone can refer new buyers with their referral link which they get from our DApp to get a 1% reward of any new $CRASH buys through their link. Also, the referred buyers will get a 1% refund!
Rewards/Refunds are instant.

Investors can take profit with only 1% tax instead of 5% by selling through our profit portal and all their sold tokens will be burned. This is funded with the profit portal tax and is dependent on available liquidity.

Referral Buy System
OTC Sell & Burn (Profit Portal)
CrashCoin Telegram Bot

The CrashCoin Community bot handles the notifications and statistics for the Lottery and Profit Portal. It informs the community of lottery entries, awards and burning statistics in a fun and engaging way.

Disclaimer: $CRASH is a meme coin that does not have any intrinsic value and no formal team or roadmap. It is created for entertainment and community building purposes.